ABP. active business protection

Founder & IP-Koordinator

Anton Burger

Patent & Trademark Counsel

Phone +41 44 552 40 70
Mobile-Phone +41 79 884 60 10
Mobile-Phone +43 676 552 44 20
Fax +41 44 552 40 74

The aspiration to our own services and their quality is certainly a success factor. From experience, what is most important for being able to provide a sophisticated service are certainly qualified, highly motivated employees and a relationship with customers that is based on partnership and trust. Meeting the people involved on a respectful eye level is a guarantee for lasting relationships. We do everything in our power to continue to make this a reality.

  • After a 13-year career in the legal & patent department of Plasser & Theurer railway construction machinery, the engineer Anton Burger founded ABP in Austria in 1979. Starting in 1995, Anton Burger also worked for ABP in Switzerland as a Swiss patent attorney.
  • ABP PATENT NETWORK AG was founded in Switzerland in early 2013 as a subsidiary of ABP PATENT NETWORK GmbH in Austria, in addition to the office in Hong Kong. It has always been and still is the vision of Anton Burger to offer all IP services to industrial enterprises, in order to enable them to secure and strengthen their position on the international market.